Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Where is tolarance?

I am not sure how many people heard about the incident in Bangsar recently. The NST's Syed Nazri wrote a commentary here only after Lim Kit Siang highlighted it here. We shake our heads and wonder what's happening to our society. I am sadden to know that the Revathi and Suresh case is still unresolved, in the name of religion families get broken up and happiness gets thrown out the back door (or front door). Where is tolerance? I feel it makes more sense that the inter-religious dialogue be carried out immediately and I think the Inter-Religious Commission is a good move to start with. I also appreciate the MALAYSIAN CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF BUDDHISM, CHRISTIANITY, HINDUISM, SIKHISM & TAOISM (MCCBCHST) in their efforts. One such effort in the the publication of a booklet that represents a memorandum of concern submitted to our country’s highest authority which sadly has not been responded (at least not publicly). It is good to know that the MCCBCHST is been active in the forefront here and elsewhere.

Where is tolerance when the putting up of the images of different religions is not accepted like in recent case in Bangsar? Where is tolerance when in schools only religion is made dominant. We have heard of so much horror stories of the death of religious tolerance in Malaysia such as here and here. It does not help when other religions makes disrespectful remarks about other religions here. I am sure there are much more website and blogs that expresses their own opinion. Is this a sign that the degeneration of our society getting worse?

It it also sad when within religious organizations continue to have bickering and in-fighting happens, and allow the personal ego to dominate. Yes, there are and will continue to be differences in thoughts and perspectives, in the Buddhism is is called ditthi (interesting article on karma and ditthi by Bikkhu P A Payutto here).

I personally feel we all need to see the bigger picture of social justice, tolerance and development. Yet, we must see them from the smallest perspective - our own personal spiritual practice and communication with God.

Can play a role, each and everyone of us? I pray, we look into our hearts to find that peace to bring back tolerance into our society.
May all beings be well and happy.

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