Sunday, March 30, 2008

Reflections on Qingming

view from the hill @ 7.00am

Just returned from Qingming prayers at my grandfather's grave today.
It have been over 2 years since I last visited the grave and this
year's visit was especially special. No, we did not burn any paper
mobile phones, computers or any of the luxury cars with the drivers.
We went as simple as we could. We, however, did burn several million
dollars :-(

The older folks may probably believe the money actually gets
"transfered" to the deceased, we all know that prayer and our pure
thoughts are more important.

To me, qingming is important for families and relatives to come
together and share past experiences otherwise have no reason to talk
about. Today, I learnt, among other things, that my dad had been to
India, something I never knew. A few days after his return, did his
father, my grandfather, passed away.

More importantly for me qingming is a bridge that between our pasts
and future. It,s not just a ceremony but an event that constantly
help us appreciate our present and future through the knowledge and
lessons of the past.

May all being, past, present and future be well and happy.

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