Friday, February 27, 2009


Is Malaysia a Democracy or Pseudo Democracy?

Got this from a book Wai Leng's currently reading and reflecting on the political events unfolding. I believe that we are living in a Pseudo-democracy.
I would call pseudo-democracies, where electoral  participation or representation is hampered by economic or educational disadvantage, by racial or sexual bigotry, by unequal access to funds for the escalating cost of campaigning, or by voter apathy caused by disillusion with the corrupted process.
Robin Morgan, "The Demon Lover: The Roots of Terrorism", Piatkus,1989

The situation has a strong implication on the quality of our lives and the future of our children. This means that we either go with the flow and adopt an apathic attitude. We could participate or support movements to help make a a change to democracy. Of course, there are those who could afford it, leave the country - walk or run away!

What would you do?

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