Monday, June 14, 2010

Rethinking Schools (1)

Just thinking out loud:

We send out kids to school, we get locked out. They spend between 5 -
8 hours a day without us parents. Parents cannot go into schools and
no freedom to check on their children. Must have letter, permission and all the
paperwork involved. We see the teachers once or twice a year only to
collect report cards. That's when the teachers tell parents what's
wrong with our kid and we need to take note. The information is almost
useless, historical in nature because any situation to address any
isssues would be too late. Then again, if the school calls us parents
up - it is usually not good news. It is almost like doing time.

How many time have we heard the teachers or a school for that matter,
suggest proactively actions and strategies for improvement, Or even
suggest they work together. Unheard of, right?

In the revent school bullying case posted on youtube, the minister
went for the parents first! How convinent! Clearly, schools are not
doing a good job! in outsourcing terms, this is a bad deal - it is
like saying: "Pay me, I do my job but if I screw up, it's not your

The really sad thing is people accept it!

Need to rethink schools & eduction if we really want to be serious
about human capital. Parents need a change in mindset.

mobile blogged

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