It seems these spineless creatures back down on their words so quickly, which leaves me wondering if they ever have us the Rakyat in their heart all. Politicans are talking about blogging - almost everyone has a blog - including the same people who critized bloggers. politicians are threatening opposition held states, like the tourism minister's act to cancel all tourism MoUs with these states. Yet, the Opposition bashing, the internal bashing still continues.
What everyone in BN seem to be doing is positioning for power, talking and thinking only of
about themselves. While this is becoming a very interesting circus show, yet people are not laughing - it merely affirms that those who voted for the opposition did the right thing.
Just to remind you guys, the people who voted you in are still here! The country needs to go on and you still need deliver on your promises made during the GE.
In the muddy politics, it is not important if the PM resigns. it is more important who will stand up among the ruling party to bring back some sense of unity. Will the true statesman please stand up.
(clue, maybe GERAKAN has some answers)
Thanks for the "full" feeds!
unfortunately, in a democracy, it's going to be messy. But it's true where these buggers are concerned. They are obviously trying to protect their patch.
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