Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy Fathers' Day Dad!

my personal fathers' day message from Amrita

Fathers’ Day was last Sunday (Jun 17). One of the biggest challenge of Fathers’ Day (like any other “days”) the challenge is to separate the commercial environment telling us what to do, how we should celebrate or even how to spend money on such an occasion from the genuine celebration to appreciate fatherhood. For me, just being with my family gives joy and happiness. Having my kids make cards for me is just as special. I got some of the best cards this year and every year. Here are the cards and letters I got this year.

Sam in her usual creative style

I guess more importantly, Fathers’ Day is beyond the reminder of my responsibilities to my family. I guess any father (or mother) knows the responsibilities. Even my children can list these responsibilities out – especially since I realized that in school she "studied" moral, civic and character building as actual subjects! Lord (interpret any lord) knows why there must be these three such subjects in school. Academically, they have learned well. On the other hand, practice is another matter. As I was saying, responsibilities are a given – something that needs to be done.

An attempt by Arian (with help form her sisters I guess)

Beyond responsibilities, fatherhood is about facing challenges. Such are these challenges that can so easily tell us to just give-up trying. It is so easy to retreat inwards and feel pity for ourselves. If you happen to be the sole breadwinner in the family, you will encounter this as an even greater challenge – especially when there so much uncertainty in our livelihood and factors beyond our control.

For me, fatherhood is not merely about fulfilling commitments and responsibilities; it’s about – personal development and breaking down of our mental barriers - working hard and being happy at the same time. It is extremely difficult to go through tough days at work, yet come back without bringing some of these negative energies back home. For this I appreciate my dad. He has gone through good and challenging times and up till today, he will not stop at anything to help his children. Yet he finds the time and space for himself. I have not made any card for my dad but I want to say I appreciate the things you have done and I love you dad!

Happy Fathers’ Day (and everyday) and to all fathers reading this.

KV Soon

The content of
Amrita's letter

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